So you’re trucking along, kicking goals, smashing that to-do list when suddenly (take your pick): You have fight with your partner. Your kids get gastro. You get snowed under at work for three days. Your cat dies. Your mum decides to visit. A tree falls on your roof. Your best friend breaks her arm.
And even though you only take a few days “off” from your normal routine to deal with whatever has arisen, the end result can be complete and utter chaos. You know, the kind of disarray that leaves you with your head in your hands wondering a) why on earth you even thought you were capable of whatever dream you are chasing and b) how in the name of all that is good and holy you will ever get back on track.
Well, here’s how you do it. Start small. Really, really small. People sometimes have a tendency to try to pick up where they left off, but that doesn’t always work. You need to get yourself sorted, mentally and physically, so you can find the clarity you need to move forward.
My family is the lucky one that had gastro this past week and a bit. It’s worked its way slowly through our household over the last 10 days (!), picking us off one by one. The result is that today, the first day since early this week that I’ve had a decent sleep and been able to eat anything, I’m staring at a list of business, personal and household ‘must-dos’ that feels a mile long.
So where do I start? By making my bed. Then some sun salutations. Then laundry (Wash, dry, fold and put away. I admit I’m super-weak on the putting away part. And I don’t quite enjoy it as much as the woman below, though I do love the sense of order it creates in my life). Then flying a kite with my kid. Then a meal plan and grocery shopping. None of these things have a particular sense of urgency to them, but I know from experience that I will tackle the ‘big picture’ stuff with more energy and focus when the little things are squared away. When they are, then I get to work on the more cerebral stuff that requires full attention.
Marie Forleo’s episode of MarieTV this week tackles the issue of follow through, and she talks about starting by keeping your ‘small balls’ in the air. Same idea. When you are running a business, nourishing a family and creating a life you love, it’s easy to get off track. And yes, I understand deadlines (I’m a freelance writer). But I also know that almost any deadline can be changed if it means that the end product will be better and more thorough, instead of some half-assed rush job.
So how will you create momentum this week? What small things can you commit to that will empower you to karate chop the big things?